As part of the Southwest conference this year, we plan to host roundtable discussions designed to identify communication issues that occur during wildfires, to understand and appreciate varied perspectives, and to brainstorm scenarios where good communication enables managers to meet resource objectives more readily.
The larger conference will allow for presentation of new science from researchers and land managers from fire-adapted ecosystems throughout the greater Southwest Borderlands Region (eg: Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, western Oklahoma, western Texas, Utah and northern Mexico). Ecosystems of interest include deserts, grasslands, riparian and wetlands, chaparral, pinyon-juniper, and mixed conifer. Socioeconomic implications of fire will also be a large part of the conference.
*A call for Special Sessions, Workshop, and Attached Meeting proposals begins now! Proposals are due by June 3, 2016. Click here for more information or to submit a proposal.