What is the Northwest Fire Science Consortium?
The Northwest Fire Science Consortium is a multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional network consisting of federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations, universities, and private landowners within Washington and Oregon. The Consortium seeks to provide:
- A delivery system for the effective dissemination and adoption of fire science information, knowledge, tools, and expertise.
- A framework within which a variety of existing organizations and outreach programs focused on fire science delivery can coordinate more effectively.
- A venue to increase researcher understanding of the fire science needs of practitioners.
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee is composed of at least one representative from each lead institution and includes individuals from multiple land management agencies, universities, and Extension Programs. The Committee discusses and advises on the implementation of deliverables, contributes to the work proposed by NWFSC, and supports needs assessment and program evaluation efforts.
Director, Forestry & Natural Resources Extension Fire Program & Associate Professor, Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, College of Forestry, Oregon State University.
Fire Program Manager, Forestry & Natural Resources Extension Fire Program, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
Assistant Research Professor and Associate Director, Ecosystem Workforce Program (EWP)
Regional Ecologist, USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region 6, Portland OR.
Director, Ecosystem Workforce Program, University of Oregon, Eugene OR.
Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service Research & Development, Corvallis, OR.
Tribal Relations Specialist, USDA Forest Service PNW Research Station, Portland, OR.
Associate Dean for Science Outreach, Oregon State University College of Forestry, and Program Leader for Forestry & Natural Resources Extension
Extension Forester, Washington State University Extension Forestry Program
Associate Professor of Science and Environmental Communication, University of Oregon
Research Biologist
Fire and Environmental Research Applications (FERA), US Forest Service
Science Delivery Specialist, USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station
Tri-Regional Fire Ecologist (NW, AK, & Rocky Mountain Regions)
Partner Sensing Group (FY 24-25)
The NWFSC Partner Sensing Group:
- Reviews accomplishments, outcomes, lessons learned, and workplans;
- Helps design and engage end users in needs assessments, particularly for diverse representation and inclusion of underrepresented groups;
- Networks and shares NWFSC activities and outputs within their organizations and partnerships.
Jamie Bash - Oregon Health Authority
Nathan Beckman - Oregon Department of Forestry
Elizabeth Dent - US Forest Service PNW Research Station
James Dickinson – Bureau of Land Management, Oregon/Washington State Office
Cristina Eisenberg - OSU Forestry Tribal Initiatives
Jessica Halofsy - USDA Northwest Climate Hub & Western Wildland Environmental Threats Assessment Center
Ryan Haugo – The Nature Conservancy
Sean Hopkins - Washington Department of Ecology
Andy Perleberg - Washington State University Extension Forestry Program
Cassie Roeder - US Fish and Wildlife Service
Dana Skelly - USFS Region 6, Portland Oregon and Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project
Kate Williams - Washington Department of Natural Resources
For information and questions about the NW Fire Science Consortium please contact Autumn Ellison, Consortium Program Coordinator at autumn.ellison@oregonstate.edu