Research objectives:
To provide a budgetary analysis of fuels treatment and preparedness programs at the local and national levels, examining:
- How much value added can be produced by a fuels program? How much value do you get out of doing a fuels treatment/conducting preparedness activities?
- What is the best amount of fuels funding? How should it be used?
- How can fuels programs complement preparedness programs?
- How can budget allocations be improved without disrupting staffing and equipment structures?
Presenters: Douglas Rideout, NIkki Kernohan and Brianna Magbual
Our team has developed a software system that can help you prioritize funding for fuel treatments and allocate treatments across the landscape and nation.
Attend if you are a:
- Line officer
- Fuels planner
- Budget/accountability analyst
- Fuel management officer
- Appropriations official
- Policymaker
- And interested in fire management and budget systems!