Clearning the smoke from wildfire policy: An economic perspective
Wildfires are heating up once again in the American West. In 2015, wildfires burned more than 10 million acres in the United States at a cost of $2.1 billion in federal expenditures. As the fires burned, the U.S. Forest Service announced that, for the first time, more than half of its budget would be devoted to wildfire. And the situation is likely to get worse.
Dry Forest Zone Maps 2013
The Dry Forest Investment Zone (DFIZ) is a five-year project to address common natural resource-based economic development challenges through increased networking and capacity building at a regional scale.
A Practical Guide To Citizen-Agency Partnerships: Public Outreach Strategies for Fire and Fuel Management
NWFSC Research Brief #24 - Wildfire Risk in Western Oregon and Washington
The wildfires that ignited September 7-9, 2020 (collectively named the “Labor Day Fires”) on the west side of the Oregon Cascades (Westside) were a devastating reminder that these communities and forests are at risk from wildfires. The fires collectively burned more than 2.2 million acres, caused fatalities and billions of dollars in damage, placed more than 10% of the state’s residents under evacuation advisories, and created hazardous air quality conditions across the northwestern US. The fires left researchers, practitioners, and local residents questioning how to better expect and prepare for similar events in the future. The three articles summarized in this brief focused on the challenges of understanding and communicating about wildfire surprises and risk in Westside systems, and how to better predict where similar events might happen in the future. A fourth article summarizes the key meteorological drivers behind the Labor Day fires.
Social science in fuel management: an annotated bibliography of prescribed fire
This annotated bibliography is collected from professional journals in natural resource management and sociology, conference proceedings, and technical reports.
Using mental models to understand trade-offs in wildfire risk mitigation
Throughout much of the Pacific Northwest, the interplay between environmental and social change not only contributes to wildfire risk, but also complicates efforts to mitigate it.
The rising cost of wildfire operations: effects on the Forest Service's non-fire work
Over 100 years ago, President Theodore Roosevelt established the U.S. Forest Service to manage America’s 193-million acre national forests and grasslands for the benefit of all Americans.
Barriers to wildland fire use: a preliminary problem analysis
Living with wildfire in Ashland, Oregon: 2020 Data Report
Wildfire affects many types of communities. Improved understandings of urban conflagrations are leadingsome fire-prone communities, such as Ashland, Oregon, to expand their attention from focusing solelyon the intermix fringe to managing wildfire threats across more urbanized wildland-urban interface (WUI)communities.