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Wildland Urban Interface 2015


At the WUI conference you'll learn about the latest programs at work in the wildland community. It's also the perfect place to learn about new resources and how they can benefit you and your community. Tap into the knowledge being shared and get involved when you attend WUI.

Burning Issues Symposium II


Join us for a day and a half of presentations and discussions that address what we know about the positive and negative effects of prescribed fire, and what we can do to further ecosystem restoration and species recovery and maintenance.

Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Webinar Series

This webinar series highlights tribes and tribal organizations that have been addressing climate change impacts through conducting assessments and developing and implementing adaptation strategies. It also provides an overview of funding and technical resources that are available both regionally and nationally.

Ready, Set, Go! Train-the-Trainer Session

Join us Wednesday, February 4 in Salem, Ore. to learn tips on how to promote the wildland fire preparedness message with a free Ready, Set, Go! Train-the-Trainer. This session is designed to guide fire service agencies and supporting organizations through the implementation of the RSG! Program and identify program benefits in becoming a fire-adapted community. The RSG!