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April 1-2 - 2015 Region 6 CFLRP Network Workshop


Members of the U.S. Forest Service and Oregon and Washington forest collaborative groups will be gathering in Hood River, Oregon for the third annual workshop of the Region 6 Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program (CFLRP) network. Participants will discuss the successes and challenges of the past five years of CFLRP and plan for the next five years.

Smoke Management Issues: 2015 and Beyond


This two day event includes a meeting regarding smoke management issues and a field tour to see the innovative restoration work being accomplished through the Ashland Forest Resiliency Project. There will be opportunities to hear guest speakers and ask and share questions regarding the challenges of conducting prescribed burning restoration work adjacent to communities.

Northern California Fire Science Field Days - Fire in Weaverville

In 2014, a wildfire raced down Oregon Mountain toward the town of Weaverville, in Trinity County. Just on the edge of town, the wildfire hit an area that had been treated with a prescribed burn earlier that year; fire intensities dropped, and crews were able to stop the fire. Join us on April 22 to visit the site and see the area burned by the wildfire and the prescribed burn.

Patch Burning and Grazing: Why it Works & How to Do it!

Prescribed fire is a beneficial tool for managing rangelands by increasing nutrient cycling and improving forage quality.  Patch burning, the practice of burning smaller patches, can aid in targeted grazing and creating a mosaic of plant communities and structure on your land.