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Examining fire-prone forest landscapes as coupled human and natural systems

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Fire-prone landscapes are not well studied as coupled human and natural systems (CHANS) and present many challengesfor understanding and promoting adaptive behaviors and institutions. Here, we explore how heterogeneity, feedbacks, and externaldrivers in this type of natural hazard system can lead to complexity and can limit the development of more adaptive approaches topolicy and management.

Species composition influences management outcomes following mountain pine beetle in lodgepole pine-dominated forests

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Mountain pine beetle outbreaks have killed lodgepole pine on more than one million hectares of Colorado and southern Wyoming forest during the last decade and have prompted harvest operations throughout the region. In northern Colorado, lodgepole pine commonly occurs in mixed stands with subalpine fir, Engelmann spruce, and aspen.

Swiss Needle Cast

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Since the 1990s, there has been an epidemic of SNC affecting hundreds of thousands of acres of coastal Douglas-fir forests in Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. This constitutes one of the largest foliage-disease epidemics of conifers in North America.

Use of the Wildland Fire Decision Support System (WFDSS) for full suppression and managed fires within the Southwestern Region of the US Forest Service

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Background: United States federal wildland fire policy requires the use of formal decision support systems (DSS) for fire incidents that last for an extended time. However, the ways that wildfire managers use DSSs in decisions regarding fire management remain understudied, including how users engage with or utilise them to make strategic decisions.

Fire Science Exchange Network

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The Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP) Fire Science Exchange Network is a national collaboration of 15 regional fire science exchanges that provides the most relevant, current wildland fire science information to federal, state, local, tribal, and private stakeholders within ecologically similar regions.