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Snag-fall patterns following stand-replacing fire vary with stem characteristics and topography in subalpine forests of Greater Yellowstone

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Standing dead tree stems (snags) become abundant following disturbances like bark beetle outbreaks and stand-replacing fire. Snags are an important element of wildlife habitat, and when they eventually fall can injure or damage people and infrastructure and contribute to coarse wood and fuels accumulation.

Biological Disturbance Agents, Fuels, and Fire in Western Conifer Forests

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Biological disturbance agents (BDAs) can affect forest composition and structure in multiple ways, including by changing fuels in ways that affect fire risk and behavior. While some research has shown that BDAs can increase the likelihood and severity of wildfires, other research has shown the opposite. These opposing findings have led to confusion around the influence of BDAs on fuels and fire behavior, and uncertainty about the best ways to manage for their impacts in western fire-adapted forests. To better understand the complex relationships at play in how BDAs impact fuels and fire, authors of this article identified the major BDA groups in western coniferous U.S. forests and reviewed existing literature on these groups to conceptualize how BDA-affected fuels will influence fire risk and outcomes. The resulting conceptual framework provides a generalized approach for characterizing BDA outcomes on fuels over time and space, including expected impacts on fuels heterogeneity throughout a BDA groups’ life history. These expected fuels outcomes in turn help develop hypotheses for BDA effects on fire risk and severity.

Landscape Fuel Treatment Effectiveness

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This webinar highlights the findings of several recent studies looking at the effectiveness of fuel treatments conducted at a landscape scale. After a brief overview, it includes short presentations looking at the empirical evidence, simulation studies, case studies, and a new methodology for looking at the effectiveness of landscape-scale treatments. These studies were the outcome of a Joint Fire Science Program grant received by the Rocky Mountain Research Station. Webinar organized by several western Fire Science Exchanges. 

Webinar: Prescribed Burns as a Tool to Mitigate Future Wildfire Smoke Exposure

Catastrophic wildfires in the western United States pose significant risks to public health, infrastructure, and ecosystems. As these wildfires become more frequent, there is a growing need for a common methodology to identify suitable locations for prescribed burning aimed at mitigating future wildfire impacts to affected populations and ecosystems.

Strategies to reduce wildfire smoke in frequently impacted communities in south-western Oregon

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Smoke from wildfires is a well-recognized public health and safety issue. While there have been extensive efforts to help communities be “smoke ready”, most people would still prefer not to live with weeks of unhealthy air quality during the summer and fall. This webinar will address what could be done to reduce the amount of smoke experienced by frequently impacted communities during wildfire season. By knowing the frequent pathways that air moves into these communities during wildfire season, we gain some insights as to where fuel treatments can have a greater probability of reducing smoke from subsequent wildfires. Rather than using wind roses, meteorological modeling and GIS processing techniques provide raster images of these pathways for each community. A case study illustrates that these strategic fuel treatments can reduce smoke by 40 percent from subsequent wildfires. The webinar will also cover how raster images and fuel reduction strategies can be integrated into planning and implementation strategies including regional wildfire crisis strategies, forest restoration plans, and community wildfire protection plans. Additionally, the frequent air pathways can be used during wildfire season for decision support to reduce smoke impacts to the public. Presenter: Rick Graw, USDA Forest Service

3D Fuel Characterization for Modeling of Wildland Fire Behavior & Smoke

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Rapid advancements in wildland fire modeling are promoting innovations in how we characterize and map wildland fuels. Before these models can be widely used, more research on fuel characterization and mapping methods is needed to support3D model inputs. The 3D Fuels Project is characterizing surface and canopy fuels on pine-dominated sites in the southeastern and western United States and western grasslands that represent fuels commonly characterized for prescribed burning. Through this project, researchers are developing a library of tools and datasets to leverage multi-scale estimates of 3D fuel structure and consumption that can be used directly within models of fire behavior and smoke production.

Fieldwork from Afar Using Remote Sensing Tools to Inventory Fuels and Fire Behavior

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The idea of using sensors to remotely measure things is not new. Aerial photos taken from hot air balloons were first proposed as a tool for mapping streets in the 1850s. In1941, a US Forest Service ranger developed a technique for mapping fuels with aeria lphotos. Recent advances in remote sensing have dramatically increased the amount of spatial information that can be generated for a given area. This webinar will look at some of the ways the Fire and Environmental Research Applications Team at the Seattle FireLab is using remote sensing to measure fuels and fire behavior. We’ll also discuss howthis information can improve our capacity to model fires.