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2016 Wildland Urban Interface Summit


The 2016 Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Summit will be held March 31st through April 2nd in Silver City, New Mexico at the Besse-Forward Global Resource Center on the Western New Mexico University Campus. This  event is one of New Mexico’s largest meetings to discuss and prepare the state for wildfires, including the impending 2016 wildfire season which pred

Science Delivery - Approaches and Influences on Success

The Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative is hosting a webinar with Vita Wright, Science Application Specialist at the Rocky Mountain Research Station and Principal Investigator for the Joint Fire Science Program’s Northern Rockies Fire Science Network.

Forest Health in Oregon: State of the State 2016


Forest Health in Oregon: State of the State 2016 is a conference and continuing education event hosted at the LaSells Stewart Center on the campus of Oregon State University. The event is designed to synthesize the current forest health conditions of Oregon forests by focusing on mortality agents and other factors that negatively impact forests.

Fire Recovery Approaches

Please join us for this upcoming peer learning session, designed to share and discuss approaches to critical activities that often take place after a fire, including:

Call for Collaboration: Biophysical Settings Review

You are invited to collaborate with LANDFIRE as we update and improve a key LANDFIRE product, Biophysical Settings (BpS) Models and Descriptions. Starting November 2015, we begin the first formal, complete review of all models since they were developed and delivered nearly a decade ago.