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WA Prescribed Fire Council Annual Conference


Past, Present, and Future of Prescribed Fire in Washington

See the attached draft agenda for the highlights. The focus of this year's conference will be on the past, present, and future of rx fire in Washington. Presentations will look at recent projects occurring in the state and discussion will focus on our priorities and how to move forward.

2017 Smoke Management in the Northwest


The details of the March meeting are coming together. The theme for this year’s meeting is “Smoke Management Planning for the Future: Looking for Flexibility on Burn Decisions while Protecting Air Quality”.  Thanks to the Planning Committee for their hard work in putting a great agenda together for this year’s meeting.

Request for post-fire tree mortality

Project scientists seek data contributions to a Joint Fire Sciences Program project examining tree mortality due to wildland fire in the U.S. They are interested in U.S. datasets that at minimum include year of fire, county, state, and individual tree records of species, DBH and crown injury (some measure of crown scorch, kill, and/or consumption).