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Living with wildland fire: Lessons from Fort McMurray

Every year, thousands of small fires and dozens of large ones break out somewhere in Canada.  This has been the story for millenia and will continue as long as there are people and lightning to start fires in the boreal forest.  Now more than ever, people work, build, live, and play in the boreal forest and disaster can occur when people and fire intersect.

4th Rustici Rangeland Science Symposium


The goal of the 4th Rustici Rangeland Science Symposium is to engage ranchers, land managers, researchers, and policymakers in co-developing actionable science, policy, and management to sustain rangelands.

Pacific Northwest: Forest Collaboratives Workshop


On March 30-31, 2017, Sustainable Northwest will host the Pacific Northwest Forest Collaboratives Workshop in Hood River, Oregon. The workshop will bring together forest collaborative members, state and federal land management agencies, policy makers, and leading scientists and practitioners to network, share success stories, and develop solutions to forest management challenges.