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Burning trees in frozen soil: Simulating fire, vegetation, soil, and hydrology in the boreal forests of Alaska

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Boreal ecosystems account for 29% of the world's total forested area and contain more carbon than any other terrestrial biome. Over the past 60 years, Alaska has warmed twice as rapidly as the contiguous U.S. and wildfire activity has increased, including the number of fires, area burned, and frequency of large wildfire seasons.

The ability of wildfire to act as fuel treatment

This webinar will highlight results from a study investigating the ability of wildfire to act as a fuel treatment. The study evaluated whether or not wildfires limited the occurrence, size, and severity of subsequent wildfires in four large wilderness complexes in Idaho, Montana, and New Mexico.

Preparing for Wildfires: Moving from Crisis to Opportunity


This workshop will equip Cooperative Extension professionals and other community leaders with the tools needed to successfully face the challenges of living in wildfire-prone environments.  National-level scientists and experts will help attendees think through all aspects and stages of fire – before, during, and after – in both urban and rural landscapes.  Extension personnel will be