Feb 25 - Landscaping and home design for fire defense
Join us for the second in our WUI Webinar series "Landscaping and home design for fire defense." We'll be hearing from Yana Valachovic, UC Cooperative Extension.
Join us for the second in our WUI Webinar series "Landscaping and home design for fire defense." We'll be hearing from Yana Valachovic, UC Cooperative Extension.
Understanding the Ecological Value of Chaparral Landscapes: Ecosystem Services, Human Management, and Future Trends
The Pacific Northwest Research Station’s Goods, Services and Values (GSV) Program is seeking an exceptional individual to fill a Research Social Scientist GS-101-12/13/14 position. This position will be based at either the Forest and Range Sciences Research Laboratory in La Grande, Oregon, or the Forestry Sciences Research Laboratory in Wenatchee, Washington.
Seminar: A Tree Mortality Based Fire Severity Classification from Forest Surveys: Statistical Estimates of Burned Area, A Finer-Grain Classification, & Doubts about MTBS,
Thom Whittier, Senior Faculty Research Assistant (FES)
Commit a couple of hours, or the entire day and join others throughout the nation making communities a safer place to live on Saturday, May 2, 2015. Challenge friends, family members, a faith-based group or youth organization to create a project and accomplish something great together!
Fire and climate history of the western San Juan Mountains, Colorado: Integration of tree-ring and alluvial-sediment methods
The OSU Extension Service is recruiting for an Education Program Assistant 2 to coordinate the Citizen Fire Academy program and assist with other Extension Forestry and Natural Resources programs. View the posting here. The posting number is 0013888.
The 5th Fire in Eastern Oak Forests Conference will be held 27-29 May 2015 at the Bryant Conference Center on the University of Alabama campus in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The goal of the Fire in Eastern Oak Forests Conference is to improve land stewardship through transfer of knowledge and technology of fire as a management tool and its role in a historical context.
This year's conference is designed to provide the framework for becoming a Fire Adapted Community. Anyone wishing to learn more about how they can reduce their community's vulnerability to wildfire is welcome to attend.
Jeff Ott, Research Geneticist at the USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station, Boise, ID, will discuss methods for large-scale restoration following fire in the Great Basin and will include discussion of aerial seeding and broadcast seeding using minimum-till drills as well as conventional drill seeding.