4th Annual WA Prescribed Fire Council Conference
This year's Washington Prescribed Fire Council Conference (WPFCC) will focus on training, certification, and expertise.
Feb 19 - Network of Fire Science Champions
The kickoff topic for this Network of Fire Science Champions call will be Ushering in a New Age of Wildland Fuel Science&
Feb 26 - Resilience and Regeneration after Wildfire in Dry Mixed-Conifer Forests of the US Northern Rockies
Kerry Kemp, Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Idaho, will present her research on the patterns of post-fire regeneration of tree species across gradients in elevation, latitude, aspect, and burn severity in dry-mixed conifer forests of the US Northern Rockies burned 5 to 13 years prior.
Feb 11 - Fire chemicals on the Alaska landscape
Wildland Fire Chemicals can be extremely effective firefighting tools which may increase the efficiency, effectiveness and safety of firefighting operations on the ground. Fire management agencies use several types of wildland fire fighting chemicals. The specific requirements, uses, and tactics for each type depend on the characteristics of the type of product.
Feb 25 - Landscaping and home design for fire defense
Join us for the second in our WUI Webinar series "Landscaping and home design for fire defense." We'll be hearing from Yana Valachovic, UC Cooperative Extension.
The 2nd Southern California Chaparral Symposium
Understanding the Ecological Value of Chaparral Landscapes: Ecosystem Services, Human Management, and Future Trends