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Community risk reduction success stories

The Firewise virtual workshop series provides conference quality, free learning opportunities for wildfire stakeholders, by connecting them with leading researchers and practitioners in a live interactive format. Each session is an hour-long and features a wildfire related topic that closes with questions received directly from participants.

Wildland Urban Legends

Will mulch spontaneously combust in the heat? Are Firewise principles less effective in high wind areas?

Citizen Fire Academy

The Citizen Fire Academy (CFA) volunteer education program represents a joint effort of many statewide and local agencies. The goals of this program are to develop your skills and knowledge so that you may help reduce the risk of catastrophic effects of wildfire for your home,

Wildfires, Erosion, and Deposition across the Western United States

The area burned by wildfires has increased in recent decades and is expected to increase in the future for many watersheds worldwide due to climate change. Burned areas within watersheds increase soil erosion rates, which can increase the downstream accumulation of sediment in rivers and reservoirs.

Science Talk NW


Have you ever struggled to explain why your science matters to a non-scientist? Have you ever been frustrated at the way science is covered in general media and used in policy? Have you wondered just what they’re teaching about science these days? We don’t have all the answers, but we can try to help!

Prescribed fire on private lands - Ashland, OR

Join us to learn about planning and implementing prescribed fire on private lands. You’ll also have the opportunity to meet ranchers and woodland owners from Nebraska, Iowa, and Oregon who are using prescribed fire to restore and improve their lands. Field trips both days include visits to recently burned areas.

For more information, open the flyer or call 541-968-5851