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Prescribed fire on private lands - Green Springs, OR

Join us to learn about planning and implementing prescribed fire on private lands. You’ll also have the opportunity to meet ranchers and woodland owners from Nebraska, Iowa, and Oregon who are using prescribed fire to restore and improve their lands. Field trips both days include visits to recently burned areas.

For more information, open the flyer or call 541-968-5851

The Wildfire Project

A short film and discussion that combines research perspectives and personal stories about the devastating effects of two megafires in Washington during the summers of 2014 and 2015.

Learning to live with fire

How can we be better prepared for wildfires while living in a fire prone environment? Why do we see more extreme fire behavior when wildfires ignite?

Partnership Opportunities with Indian Forestry: A Tribal Perspective


The Society of American Foresters (SAF) and the Intertribal Timber Council (ITC) invite you to attend our first conference to learn about tribal forestry visions and practices, and explore ways in which you and your organization can create, maintain, and improve partnerships. Together, these two organizations are committed to preserving and sustaining our working forestlands.

How will climate change affect fire regimes in the western U.S.?

The Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Centerhosts First Friday All Climate Change Talks (FFACCTs), monthly information sharing forums featuring presentations about research activities focused on climate change impacts to forest ecosystems. USDA Forest Service scientists and partners participate in the web-based meeting on the first Friday of every month.

Responding to drought and water challenges

Please join the Office of Sustainability and Climate Change for a 2-hour introduction to upcoming opportunities related to drought and water challenges.  We will engage Forest Service employees and partners in planning for and adapting to the impacts of drought and other water challenges in the face of a changing climate.

Natural Areas Association Conference


Join us in California for the 2016 Natural Areas Conference, Climate Change Adaptation and Natural Areas Management: Turning Words to Action. We will explore strategies and tactics that resource and natural areas managers can employ to prepare for and respond to climate change.