Research Database
Displaying 41 - 60 of 128
Reduced fire severity offers near-term buffer to climate-driven declines in conifer resilience across the western United States
Year: 2023
Increasing fire severity and warmer, drier postfire conditions are making forests in the western United States (West) vulnerable to ecological transformation. Yet, the relative importance of and interactions between these drivers of forest change remain unresolved, particularly over upcoming decades. Here, we assess how the interactive impacts of chang-ing climate and wildfire activity influenced conifer regeneration after 334 wildfires, using a dataset of postfire conifer regeneration from 10,230 field plots. Our findings highlight declining regeneration capacity across the West over the…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Fire refugia are robust across Western US forested ecoregions, 1986–2021
Year: 2023
In the Western US, area burned and fire size have increased due to the influences of climate change, long-term fire suppression leading to higher fuel loads, and increased ignitions. However, evidence is less conclusive about increases in fire severity within these growing wildfire extents. Fires burn unevenly across landscapes, leaving islands of unburned or less impacted areas, known as fire refugia. Fire refugia may enhance post-fire ecosystem function and biodiversity by providing refuge to species and functioning as seed sources after fires. In this study, we evaluated whether the…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Cascadia Burning: The historic, but not historically unprecedented, 2020 wildfires in the Pacific Northwest, USA
Year: 2022
Wildfires devastated communities in Oregon and Washington in September 2020, burning almost as much forest west of the Cascade Mountain crest (“the westside”) in 2 weeks (~340,000 ha) as in the previous five decades (~406,00 ha). Unlike dry forests of the interior western United States, temperate rain forests of the Pacific Northwest have experienced limited recent fire activity, and debates surrounding what drove the 2020 fires, and management strategies to adapt to similar future events, necessitate a scientific evaluation of the fires. We evaluate five questions regarding the 2020 Labor…
Publication Type: Journal Article
A systematic review of empirical evidence for landscape-level fuel treatment effectiveness
Year: 2022
Background Adverse effects of wildfires can be mitigated within fuel treatments, but empirical evidence of their effectiveness across large areas is needed to guide design and implementation at the landscape level. We conducted a systematic literature review of empirically based studies that tested the influence of landscape-level fuel treatments on subsequent wildfires in North America over the past 30 years to evaluate how treatment type and configuration affect subsequent wildfire behavior or enable more effective wildfire response. Results We identified 2240 papers, but only 26 met our…
Publication Type: Journal Article
The impacts of wildfires of different burn severities on vegetation structure across the western United States rangelands
Year: 2022
Large wildfires have increased in western US rangelands over the last three decades. There is limited information on the impacts of wildfires with different severities on the vegetation in these rangelands. This study assessed the impacts of large wildfires on rangeland fractional cover including annual forbs and grasses (AFG), perennial forbs and grasses (PFG), shrubs (SHR) and trees (TREE) across the western US, and explored relationships between changes in fractional cover and prefire soil moisture conditions. The Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm was used to group wildfires into…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Extreme Winds Alter Influence of Fuels and Topography on Megafire Burn Severity in Seasonal Temperate Rainforests under Record Fuel Aridity
Year: 2022
Nearly 0.8 million hectares of land were burned in the North American Pacific Northwest (PNW) over two weeks under record-breaking fuel aridity and winds during the extraordinary 2020 fire season, representing a rare example of megafires in forests west of the Cascade Mountains. We quantified the relative influence of weather, vegetation, and topography on patterns of high burn severity (>75% tree mortality) among five synchronous megafires in the western Cascade Mountains. Despite the conventional wisdom in climate-limited fire regimes that regional drivers (e.g., extreme aridity, and…
Publication Type: Journal Article
The contribution of Indigenous stewardship to an historical mixed-severity fire regime in British Columbia, Canada
Year: 2022
Indigenous land stewardship and mixed-severity fire regimes both promote landscape heterogeneity, and the relationship between them is an emerging area of research. In our study, we reconstructed the historical fire regime of Ne Sextsine, a 5900-ha dry, Douglas-fir-dominated forest in the traditional territory of the T’exelc (Williams Lake First Nation) in British Columbia, Canada. Between 1550 and 1982 CE, we found median fire intervals of 18 years at the plot-level and 4 years at the study site-level. Ne Sextsine was characterized by an historical mixed-severity fire regime, dominated by…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Burn severity and pre-fire seral state interact to shape vegetation responses to fire in a young, western Cascade Range forest
Year: 2022
Wildfire size and frequency are increasing across the western U.S., affecting large areas of young, second-growth forest originating after logging and burning. Despite their prevalence in the western Cascade landscape, we have a poor understanding of how these young stands respond to fire or how their responses differ from older, undisturbed forests, which are well studied. We explore these questions using pre- and early post-fire data from a young (<30-year-old), naturally regenerating forest in western Oregon that was burned preemptively to limit spread of the 2018 Terwilliger Fire. We…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Interactions Between Fire Refugia and Climate-Environment Conditions Determine Mesic Subalpine Forest Recovery After Large and Severe Wildfires
Year: 2022
Infrequent stand-replacing wildfires are characteristic of mesic and/or cool conifer forests in western North America, where forest recovery within high-severity burn patch interiors can be slow, yet successful over long temporal periods (decades to centuries). Increasing fire frequency and high-severity burn patch size, under a warming climate, however, may challenge post-fire forest recovery, promoting landscape-level shifts in forest structure, composition, and distribution of non-forest patches. Crucial to a delay and/or impediment to this shift, fire refugia (i.e., remnant seed sources)…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Severity patterns of the 2021 Dixie Fire exemplify the need to increase low-severity fire treatments in California’s forests
Year: 2022
Publication Type: Journal Article
Post-fire landscape evaluations in Eastern Washington, USA: Assessing the work of contemporary wildfires
Year: 2022
In the western US, wildfires are modifying the structure, composition, and patterns of forested landscapes at ratesthat far exceed mechanical thinning and prescribed fire treatments. There are conflicting narratives as to whetherthese wildfires are restoring landscape resilience to future climate and wildfires. To evaluate the landscape-levelwork of wildfires, we assessed four subwatersheds in eastern Washington, USA that experienced large wildfires in2014, 2015, or 2017 after more than a century of fire exclusion and extensive timber harvest. We compared preandpost-fire landscape conditions…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Frequency of disturbance mitigates high-severity fire in the Lake Tahoe Basin, California and Nevada
Year: 2022
Because of past land use changes and changing climate, forests are moving outside of their historical range of variation. As fires become more severe, forest managers are searching for strategies that can restore forest health and reduce fire risk. However, management activities are only one part of a suite of disturbance vectors that shape forest conditions. To account for the range of disturbance intensities and disturbance types (wildfire, bark beetles, and management), we developed a disturbance return interval (DRI) that represents the average return period for any disturbance, human or…
Publication Type: Journal Article
High-severity wildfire reduces richness and alters composition of ectomycorrhizal fungi in low-severity adapted ponderosa pine forests
Year: 2021
Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests are increasingly experiencing high-severity, stand-replacing fires.Whereas alterations to aboveground ecosystems have been extensively studied, little is known about soil fungalresponses in fire-adapted ecosystems. We implement a chronosequence of four different fires that varied in timesince fire, 2 years (2015) to 11 years (2006) and contained stands of high severity burned P. ponderosa in easternWashington and compared their soil fungal communities to adjacent unburned plots. Using Illumina Miseq(ITS1), we examined changes in soil nutrients, drivers…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Using Landsat Imagery to Assess Burn Severity of National Forest Inventory Plots
Year: 2021
As the frequency and size of wildfires increase, accurate assessment of burn severityis essential for understanding fire effects and evaluating post-fire vegetation impacts. Remotelysensedimagery allows for rapid assessment of burn severity, but it also needs to be field validated.Permanent forest inventory plots can provide burn severity information for the field validation ofremotely-sensed burn severity metrics, although there is often a mismatch between the size andshape of the inventory plot and the resolution of the rasterized images. For this study, we used twodistinct datasets: (1)…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Evidence for widespread changes in the structure, composition, and fire regimes of western North American forests
Year: 2021
Implementation of wildfire- and climate-adaptation strategies in seasonally dry forests of western North America is impeded by numerous constraints and uncertainties. After more than a century of resource and land use change, some question the need for proactive management, particularly given novel social, ecological, and climatic conditions. To address this question, we first provide a framework for assessing changes in landscape conditions and fire regimes. Using this framework, we then evaluate evidence of change and lack of change in contemporary conditions relative to those maintained by…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Fuel treatment effectiveness in the context of landform, vegetation, and large, wind‐driven wildfires
Year: 2020
Large wildfires (>50,000 ha) are becoming increasingly common in semi‐arid landscapes of the western United States. Although fuel reduction treatments are used to mitigate potential wildfire effects, they can be overwhelmed in wind‐driven wildfire events with extreme fire behavior. We evaluated drivers of fire severity and fuel treatment effectiveness in the 2014 Carlton Complex, a record‐setting complex of wildfires in north‐central Washington State. Across varied topography, vegetation and distinct fire progressions, we used a combination of simultaneous autoregression (SAR) and random…
Publication Type: Journal Article
How does tree regeneration respond to mixed‐severity fire in the western Oregon Cascades, USA?
Year: 2020
Dendroecological studies of historical tree recruitment patterns suggest mixed‐severity fire effects are common in Douglas‐fir/western hemlock forests of the Pacific Northwest (PNW), USA, but empirical studies linking observed fire severity to tree regeneration response are needed to expand our understanding into the functional role of fire in this forest type. Recent increases in mixed‐severity fires offered this opportunity, so we quantified the abundance, spatial distribution, species richness, and community composition of regenerating trees across a mixed‐severity fire gradient (unburned–…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Persistent effects of fire severity on ponderosa pine regeneration niches and seedling growth
Year: 2020
Several recent studies have documented how fire severity affects the density and spatial patterns of tree regenerationin western North American ponderosa pine forests. However, less is known about the effects of fireseverity on fine-scale tree regeneration niche attributes such as understory plant composition and cover, surfacefuel abundance, and soil properties, or how these attributes in turn affect regenerating ponderosa pine growth.Using 1-m2 plots centered on 360 ponderosa pine seedlings that regenerated naturally after the Pumpkin Fire in2000 in Arizona, we quantified regeneration niche…
Publication Type: Journal Article
High‐severity wildfire leads to multi‐decadal impacts on soil biogeochemistry in mixed‐conifer forests
Year: 2020
During the past century, systematic wildfire suppression has decreased fire frequency and increased fire severity in the western United States of America. While this has resulted in large ecological changes aboveground such as altered tree species composition and increased forest density, little is known about the long‐term, belowground implications of altered, ecologically novel, fire regimes, especially on soil biological processes. To better understand the long‐term implications of ecologically novel, high‐severity fire, we used a 44‐yr high‐severity fire chronosequence in the Sierra…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Wildfire severity and postfire salvage harvest effects on long-term forest regeneration
Year: 2020
Following a wildfire, regeneration to forest can take decades to centuries and is no longerassured in many western U.S. environments given escalating wildfire severity and warming trends. Afterlarge fire years, managers prioritize where to allocate scarce planting resources, often with limited informationon the factors that drive successful forest establishment. Where occurring, long-term effects of postfiresalvage operations can increase uncertainty of establishment. Here, we collected field data on postfireregeneration patterns within 13- to 28-yr-old burned patches in eastern Washington…
Publication Type: Journal Article